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tv   The Early Show  CBS  September 20, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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hurricane igor slams into bermuda bringing fierce winds, heavy rain, leaving thousands without power. will it head towards the east coast? we'll bring you the very latest. politically incorrect. a video comes back to haunt the new darling of the tea party, delaware senate candidate christine o dodge. >> one of my first dates was with a witch upon a satanic altar and i didn't know it. >> we'll take you inside the bizarre political showdown between d.c. and hollywood. home at last. after spending 13 months in a prison in iran, sarah shourd is back on u.s. soil and begging for the release of her two companions. and bear attack, a washington man is savagely
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mauled while walking his dogs, as his wife steps in. >> oh, god, his head is all bashed in and he's dying. >> we'll talk with her exclusively about how she helped save his life early this monday exclusively about how she helped save his life early this monday morning, september 20th, 201. captioning funded by cbs good morning. from new york. good to be back with all of you. i'm maggie rodriguez. good to be back with you, as well, harry. >> good morning. welcome back. >> thank you. >> baby pictures later, right? >> absolutely. >> can't wait for that. i'm harry smith. good morning, everybody. lots of news this morning especially in terms of hurricane igor. during the night bermuda just waking up to the devastation caused by the powerful storm, our dave price is here and he has the latest. dave? >> good morning, harry. here's what we know, slowly weakening continuing to pound
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bermuda, a huge storm but as it passed over the island it left a trail of destruction in its wake and people are just beginning to see it all. igor's eye passed just 40 miles west of bermuda. this monster storm was downgraded to a category 1 just before dawn on sunday. but, it still packed a punch. heavy rains and 80-mile-per-hour winds whipped trees and power lines knocking out electricity to almost 20,000 people on this island of only 68,000. the streets of hamilton, bermuda's capital, were under several inches of water and littered with tree branches and other debris. residents of bermuda, long used to tropical level, left the streets deserted. >> safety first. we can always rebuild. as burmudans, we already know to rebuild. >> in fact, it has a strict building code. homes must have walls at least eight inches thick able to withstand winds of 110 miles per
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hour. for the most part, it was the tourists who ventured outside to witness the hurricane. >> i'm not scared at all. i just think it's an awesome force of nature, that it is an experience once in a lifetime that, is something i'm interested in. >> officials will be out in force today to assess the damage but so far, there is no wortd of any serious injuries. now, just keep in mind now the storm 135 miles north-northwest of bermuda, winds 75 miles an hour a min cal category 1 but picking up speed and taking a sharp turn. it's been raining there, by the time this is all said and done, it will have been raining for 36 hours straight. there's that storm. it will take a sharp turn now, kind of the result of the coreolios affect, picking up steam and out into the atlantic ocean but still have lots of activity in the atlantic and still plenty to go in this hurricane season. we'll talk more about that on our national maps in minutes but right now, maggie over to you.
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>> see you then. thank you, dave. 7:03. time for politics and tea party candidate christine o'donnell who surprised everyone winning her primary in delaware last week. there's another surprise now as a video from her past comes back to haunt her. our congressional correspondent nancy cordes has more from washington this morning. good morning, nancy. >> maggie, good morning, welcome back. she says she is a devout catholic but in the video describes her experimentation with witchcraft and the man who released the clip says there is a lot more where that came from. >> i dabbled into witchcraft, i hung around people doing these things. >> reporter: the 1999 clip was released by comedian bill mahr who frequently invited her to appear on his show back in the 1990s, when she was an abstinent activist. >> one of my first dates with a witch on a satanic altar and i didn't know it. a little blood there and -- >> your first date was a satanic
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altar? >> and had a little midnight -- >> reporter: delaware's republican senatorial candidate was already dealing with the fallout from this 1996 mtv documentary, where she equated masturbation to adultery. >> the bible says that locked in your heart is committing adultery. so, you can't masterbate without lust. he already knows what pleases him and can please himself, why am any the picture. >> she canceled appearances this weekend, but at a campaign picnic, she made light of her witchcraft experimentation. >> i was in high school. how many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school? there's been no witchcraft since. >> reporter: sarah palin who endorsed o'donnell urged her via twitter to ignore the, quote, national media seeking your destruction. and, instead, use her time to
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connect with local voters whom you'll be serving. >> thank you so much, iowa. >> reporter: palin herself connected with voters in iowa this weekend, speaking at the annual ronald reagan dinner, fueling speculation she's laying the groundwork for a presidential run in 2012. >> time for renewal, restoration of honor, and those time-tested truths. and it may take some renegades going rogue to get us there. >> reporter: bill mauer says he has a many more clips of o'donnell and will release one a week until she comes on his show. o'donnell says she has no regrets ba b what she said on his program. she said, hey, bill wanted ratings and i gave him ratings. >> nancy, thank you. our political analyst john dickerson joins us from columbus, ohio, to talk more about this. john, good morning. >> good morning, maggie. >> critics, some members of her own party are taking her to task over the old clips. how damaging do you think they will be to her campaign?
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>> well, we're in a very weird place in this senate race talking about issues, we certainly weren't expecting to. and that's the problem not just one of these clips, they are coming out one after another. and it's, if nothing else, a distraction and a barrier between her and trying to tell voters what she actually believes and in delaware, a blue state, she's going to have to convince independent voters outside of the tea party group that has already elected her and so this is going to give them some questions about her. >> does she have to answer those questions or can she, as she did this weekend, just make light of it? karl rove, for one, says this raises serious questions about her character and she has to address these seriously. >> well, she seemed to have kind of brushed this one off pretty well, that's the way these candidates have to do things. the problem is just the tonnage of these clips. bill mahr obviously sees an opportunity to promote himself and his self-interest is aligned essentially with taking her down. she has to find a way to deal with this, what's going to be or
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seems to be kind of a daily set of explosions of old videotape. >> she could do what sarah palin has done and worked so beautifully for sarah palin that, is to play media victim. >> that's right. the victim card is one sarah palin has paid, rand paul has done the same thing, a bit of a time-honored technique and works with your supporters apt to believe you what say but if you are trying to get to voters in the middle or independents to convince you have another set of ideas, they're not just going to take it at face value you are a victim and rally to your side. it might work a little bit but she still has that big job to convince voters she can be their senator. >> john, we saw sarah palin at that event this weekend in iowa where the road to the white house usually begins for a lot of people but wasn't going the traditional route, going door to door shaking voters' hands. do you think she has time to work that if she wants to be a serious contender in the iowa caucuses? >> she has time. sarah palin, at the moment in
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the -- in conservative politics, makes her own weather. so, she can -- she can do as she pleases for the moment in iowa and if she needs to kind of get an organization together quickly but, of course, you can wait too late and candidates who have tried to sort of have the new fangeled organizations in id iowa, fred thompson tried this and it was a dismal failure. you have to do it. in the end she will have to dot retail pains taking politics that works in iowa. >> she's a lot more popular than fred thompson was at the time. we'll see john dickerson, thanks so much at 7:09. >> indeed, she was -- is. >> the american hiker held in iran more than a year is back in the united states. sarah shourd is pleading for the release of her fiance and friend who are both still behind bars in tehran. cbs news correspondent michelle miller joins us from the united nations with more. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. the u.n. general assembly begins this week and the iranian
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president mahmoud ahmadinejad said to address them thursday. the mothers of the two hikers still held in custody in his country say they've asked to speak with him. after being held for nearly 14 months in iran, sarah shourd was finally back in the u.s. speaking sunday for the first time since her release. >> this is not the time to celebrate. my disappointment in not sharing this with shane and josh was crushing and i stand before you today only one-third free. >> reporter: her fiance and friend are still being held in tehran's infamous evin prison, detained in july 2009, accused of being spies after iran claimed they intentionally crossed into the country from iraq's kurdistan region. the three claim they were only hiking. >> if we were, indeed, near the iran-iraq border, that border was entirely unmarked and indistinguishable. shane and josh do not deserve to be in prison one day longer than i was.
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we committed no crime, and we are not spies. >> reporter: shourd was freed tuesday after officials in oman mediated her half million dollar bail. >> i applaud the humanity that set sarah free and i cry encore, encore. it's time for shane and josh to come home, too. >> reporter: cindy hickey and laura fattal, mothers of the two still detained, say they're encouraged by shourd's released. >> i was thrilled for sarah. i was so happy for nora, and i was heartbroken for cindy and myself. we want our sons home. sglour their mothers have requested a meeting with iranian president ahmadinejad while he's in new york attending the u.n. general assembly. sunday, he called the release a humanitarian gesture and wants the u.s. to dot same for eight iranians he claims in american custody. >> translator: the u.s. government should make a humanitarian gesture to release the iranians who are illegally
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arrested. >> reporter: ahmadinejad says the release of josh fattal and shane bauer really depend on whether or not they can convince a court in iran that, when they crossed over into iran, which is still up for debate, they did so without any ill intention. we should also mention there was concern about sarah shourd's health. she was checked by doctors in oman, said to be well. harry. >> michelle miller at the u.n. this morning. thank you very much. >> time to get you caught up on the headlines. erica hill is standing by at the news desk. good morning. >> welcome back. good morning to you and everyone at home. this morning the bp well at the center of the worst oil spill in u.s. history now officially dead. tests confirming yesterday a cement plug now permanently capped that well in the five months since the explosion, 206 million gallons of oil spewed from the well into the gulf of mexico. bp has already paid out 9.5 billion dollars in cleanup costs with another $20 billion set
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aside for victim compensation. a wildfire forced the evacuation of more than 1400 homes. the fire southwest of salt lake city has burned 300 acres. at least two homes have been destroyed. the blaze started yesterday when dry brush caught fire during a national guard artillery training session. in central india, at least 21 people died when two trains collided head on the accident apparently caused by a freight train on the wrong tracks. it slammed into a waiting passenger train. fears of a mass suicide put to rest last night in california. after 13 members of a religious sect were discovered praying in a park. our news correspondent terry mccarthy has the story. >> reporter: an all-out search for the five adults and eight children, one as young as 3 years old reported missing by relatives saturday. >> we have helicopters up, search and rescue, major crimes. maybe 50 to 60, 70 deputies combing this area trying to
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>> autumn, wednesday. 11:09, p.m., my house, big party. >> we'll thereabout. >> all right. >> thanks, dave. coming up, another bear attack. we'll have an exclusive interview with the victim's wife. we've got that 911 call, you'll hear it and from her, too. >> lindsay lohan in trouble again, the mean girl tweeted she failed a drug test. and troubling news about sex ed. our doctor jennifer ashton will explain why one-third of teens no very little about birth control. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪
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get up, get moving. subway has breakfast. and it's a slam dunk. i like my breakfast sandwich with green peppers,
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onion, banana peppers and mustard. i like eggs with black forest ham on wheat. with everything. i like a little kick. that's a good call. i like mine with egg whites. and... a napkin. [ male announcer ] have you built your better breakfast? now's the time! try our better-for-you western egg white muffin melt or the dee-licious double bacon egg and cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast. [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like particulates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents fight a full range of stains. ♪ you'll never look at stains, the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science.
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-- about an hour east of the seattle area in the pacific northwest, so beautiful up there. family has a lovely weekend place there, up there, very routine, guy takes the dogs out at night. next thing you know, his wife hears this screaming outside. he's been attacked by a bear. we have an exclusive interview with her in a sec. >> we'll talk about lindsay lohan's latest woes, attending back-to-back aa meetings over the weekend after failing a drug test but is it enough to keep her out of jail? stay with us.
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words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed.
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our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. [ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- [ beep ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- target the blood? target the blood? yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®.
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that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] great. call or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. [ man ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. [ man ] freestyle lite test strips. everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely.
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it's 7:25. it's a warm, warm, sunny start to the new workweek. that's a pretty picture. it's a beautiful start to the workweek. it's warm, as you said. temperatures look like this, we're in the 60s. 64 in baltimore and 67 in d.c. and 59 in westminster and it's dropped. 64 in columbia and 68 in annapolis. now, this afternoon, we're going to 80-degree an place and tonight, we'll cool down. we have a warmup coming our way later on in the week. here's sharon gibala. hi, there, bern. well, good morning, we have an
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accident in harford county in whiteford. it has route 136 closed down. and meantime, we have those delays on 95 southbound, they're extended to 895. and there's a look at the average speeds and drivetimes on the beltway. 27 miles per hour on the westside. and there's a live look outside at the westside there at old fort road. that's a 15 minute set back and there's the look at the setback on 95. that's the southbound lane to the left. >> and this is brought to you by bills. call 1877-75-bills. we have school advisories in anne arundel county. several schools are closed today because of a ruptured pipe. classings should resume
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tomorrow. high school students are in shock after the sudden death of a classmate. andrea fujii has details. >> reporter: good morning, don, the 14-year-old will be laid to rest later on this week. er saturday, a memorial was held in memory of joey d'entremont. he was killed friday night crossing i-24. his friends comforted each other. he played line backer and piano an he wrote music. the 19-year-old had the right of way when he struck joey d'entremont and it doesn't appear that speed or alcohol were factors in the crash. as you heard, the ravens fans don't have anything to cheer about this morning. the defense did what they could, but flacco had four passings intercepted. the ravens lost, 15-10.
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stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. ,,,,ext, a bear attack on a
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lots of fine folks on the plaza on a monday morning. they are happy you are back. >> ohhh. >> as are we all. welcome back to "the early show." coming up after years of decline the teen birth rate rose from 2005 to 2007. there could be a reason. it's interesting. turns out most u.s. teens have been taught sex ed, but about a third of them did not learn about birth control. our jennifer ashton will have advice for parents on what they need to do make sure their kids learn about the birds and bees. >> also ahead looks like rehab didn't work for lindsay lohan. she admits, tweeted over the weekend she failed a drug test and has a disease. she's been scrambling to attend
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aa meetings in los angeles but it may not be enough to keep her out of jail. we'll talk about that ahead this morning. a city councilmen from bellevue, washington, the latest victim of a bear attack in a summer that has had many more encounters it seems than usual. we'll speak exclusively to the victim's wife in just a moment. but first, here's their story. >> john: khan chelminiak was taking his dogs for a walk near his vacation home, caught in a life-and-death struggle with a bear. >> there's a bear up here. please help me. >> reporter: after hearing her husband shouting for help being mauled, his ex-wife, lynn, made this call to 911. >> i'm dying. he said he's dying. honey, just a minute. >> during the encounter believed the first in 20 years, he suffered puncture wounds to his head and face. >> oh, god, his head is all
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bashed up. >> where is the bear now. >> i think he's gone. >> the bear was found and killed several hours after the attack by washington fish and wildlife agents. chelminiak was air-lifted to a seattle hospital where he is in stable condition and recovering from his injuries. >> oh, here they come. oh, good. mime so scared. >> and joining us exclusively from seattle, john chelminiak's wife, lynn semler. good morning. >> good morning. >> how is your husband doing? >> he's -- he's in stable condition. i checked with them this morning and all good. >> oh, good. he was on a -- intu baited, what, yesterday? they took the tube out and his pro notices is quite good now, right? >> yes, he's -- he continues to be in stable condition. >> all right. >> it's amazing. >> i want to go back and just start at square one. you have this little place at lake wenatchee, looks like one
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of the most beautiful places in the world. very routine. he takes the dogs out, something he would normally do. when do you realize something has gone terribly wrong? >> he had been out for about 10,
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welcome back. looks like rehab failed for lindsay lohan. over the weekend she scrambled to get to aa meetings after friday tweeting she failed two court-ordered drug and alcohol tests saying, quote, regrettably, i did, in fact, fail my most recent drug test and if i am asked, i am ready to appear before judge fox next week as a result. just last week she made fun of her problems on mtv's video music awards but now is getting serious because she is facing more time in jail. or at the very least, her attempts at a professional comeback may have just suffered a major setback. joining us to talk more about this, celebrity journalist michael luidis, editor and co-founder of good morning. >> good morning. >> i know you e-mailed lindsay a couple hours before she treated she had a problem. you asked is this true what i hear about failing a drug test. she said no but came clean. why do you think she is fessing up. >> i think she realizes time to stop lying to the public and to
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herself. she has a problem and needs to deal with it. >> she called it as much. she said substance disease is, unfortunately, not something that happens overnight. that's a big turnaround for her. >> it is. >> she never admitted it before. >> if you look at the verb yaj, she starts saying things i'm going to take full responsibility, time for me to be prepared and handle the consequences of this and also said she was a work in progress, terms she never used before. >> never. >> she would always say i don't have a problem. what's everyone's else's problem? >> not denying it anymore, at least seemingly working hard at it going to back-to-back aa meetings this weekend. do you think that is real or just trying to impress the judge? >> i think that's real. i think this is the first time ever -- you know, she went to rehab for 23 days, she was supposed to be there for 90 days and supposed to be in jail 90 days and only there 13 days, so she got off easy. she now realizes i have a problem. i need to deal with this now otherwise will be sent away for a long period of time. >> you think her getting off
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easy, lighter sentences may have contributed to the downfall? >> it probably did contribute to the downfall because there were really no consequences at all to what she did. now she realizes there are tremendous consequences, she's supposed to start a movie in november and if she's behind bars, that's not going to happen. >> but do you think long-term professionally this will affect her? >> you know, hollywood is a very forgiving think. >> think of robert downey, jr., right. >> exactly and she has tremendous talent. if she didn't she would another actress with a problem and no one would care. but everyone realizes she's very talented. let her fix her life and clean herself up and give her a second chance. >> we hope. we shoep she does. another hollywood starlet we know is not going to prich after her drug arrest, paris hilton. >> she will plead guilty to two misdemeanors, one for drug possession the other obstructing an officer. she was loogd at a felony possession, a minimum of a year in prison to a maximum of four. she did the right thing, she fessed up to it, a year of
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probation, 200 hours of community service, will pay a nominal fine and will have to go through a drug abuse program. >> we'll see if that is enough for her. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> nice to have you here. coming up talking to your teens about a touchy subject, birth control we'll help you go a bit further than the birds and bees conversation when we return. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. stains, down to a science. e've got new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science. no pain medicine is proven to last longer than advil. not tylenol. not aleve. nothing lasts longer than advil. pain relief that lasts.
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with tones and highlights. nice 'n easy. your right color. with tones and highlights. li'm luke myers. if you want to be incredible, eat incredible. anncr vo: eggs. the incredible protein. in this morning's healthwatch, sex education and i teens, a new report from the cdc says nearly all teens in the u.s. have had some sort of formal sex education but about a third of them did not learn about birth control. our medical correspondents dr. jennifer ashton is a teen health expert and author of the book "the body scoop for girls" and she's with us live in the studio this morning. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> as a physician and someone who specializes in this and you hear about a third of teens not
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learning about birth control, what is your reaction? >> not surprising, because there is no standardization across the board as to how we teach sex ed or reproductive health, if you will, to our teenagers. people who teach the class may not be formally trained. in fact, across the board, only about 18% of sex ed teachers have had formal training in the subject. some of them may not want to teach the subject, harry. >> right. >> gym teepers, driver's ed teachers may be told this is what you are teaching. they might not want to teach it. >> almost a throw-away thing in a lot of schools. >> it can be. of course, the teacher will bring his or her own values into what they're teaching. >> right. >> this is a difficult topic even for parents, for doctors so it's no surprise the people teaching it may bring their own -- >> -- a third of these kids not having any sort of understanding or no formal training about birth control, what does that mean to you? how does that resonate with you?
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>> i think in terms of the subject matter we are putting this into a social context instead of a medical one. we have to remember data clearly shows if you give teenagers all the information, they are, in fact, less likely to engage in sex or premature reproductive behavior than if they're only taught selectively about things like abstinence. if they are not taught about birth control, they are more likely to get into trouble. >> let's talk about things parents should know. if you know that, what you just said about how it is being taught, it really ends up you need to be able to talk about it at home, what are things parents need to -- >> you bring up such an important point, harry. this is really something should be a group effort, parents, health professionals and teachers should all be involved educating our teens. you need to be prepared. understand as a parent your teen may come to you with a question when you least expect it, maybe driving them in a car somewhere or preparing a meal. be ready with what you want to
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say. the other thing is very important be honest and direct with your answers. if you don't know the answer to something, don't be afraid to say "i don't know." the other thing is share your expectations and values. you need to say as a parent to your child we expect that you do not have sex until "x" amount of age and clearly open up more discussion. >> dr. jennifer ash shon, as always, thanks. >> you're welcome. >> all right. we're going to take a break. we'll be back right after this. [ female announcer ] it's not always easy to get the calcium we need from our diet. caltrate delivers 1200 mg of calcium plus vitamin d to help reduce your risk of osteoporosis. it's never too late for caltrate. and now big news -- the same caltrate comes in a new, smaller, easy to swallow pill.
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get up, get moving. subway has breakfast. and it's a slam dunk. i like my breakfast sandwich with green peppers, onion, banana peppers and mustard. i like eggs with black forest ham on wheat. with everything. i like a little kick. that's a good call. i like mine with egg whites. and... a napkin. [ male announcer ] have you built your better breakfast? now's the time! try our better-for-you western egg white muffin melt or the dee-licious double bacon egg and cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast.
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on toasty flatbread. if they have their way, we're facing a mountain of debt and a massive tax increase. employers will continue to leave our state, taking their jobs with them. the next four years will impact the next decade, so we've put together a road map to 2020. a plan that brings jobs back to maryland by reducing spending and lowering taxes.
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let's make the maryland we love not just good, but great. now let's get down to work. you can see, here's the temperatures right now and for today. we're getting closer to 80 degrees and tonight, cooling it down, going down to 50 degrees in some placings and we'll if in the 40s.
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a coolness in the air tomorrow and there's warm air returning later on in the week. >> we'll go to traffic control now. hi, there, bernadette, good morning. well, we picked up an accident on the westside. the accident is approaching 70 and watch for delays. and that's at 38 miles per hour. we have a wreck in harford county on 136 closed between spa and julie road. and 95 southbound, that's im-- that's up to 25 miles per hour. and there's a live look outside at that westside. there's a look at 295 southbound. lanes slowed there and that's between west nursery and the beltway. this is brought to you by hh greg. friends and relatives are
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prepareing to say fair well to a student that was killed over the weekend. andrea fujii has the story. >> reporter: donning the 14- year-old will be laid to rest later on this week. saturday, a memorial was held for joey d'entremont. he died crossing the bypass. his friends comforted each other. he played piano and wrote music. the 19-year-old had the right of way had the right of way when he struck him. he dedicated his life to freedom of expression and now, da --zappa is memorialized da --zappa is memorialized outside of the library. ,,,,
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bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich, but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side.
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good morning. welcome back to "the early show" on this monday morning. the time is 8:00. i'm julie chen with harry smith and maggie rodriguez. coming up, even if you don't remember the series, you must know that great theme song. i know you want to break out into it. do it, harry. >> right now, harry smith, bring it on. >> dave's got it. he's all over it. look at him. look at him. there it is, moon-doggie. >> we sentence our dave price to the mean streets of waikiki to speak with the new cast of"
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hawaii five-0" which debuts tonight on cbs. >> remember the controversy with michael vick, the horrible story of the dogs and he going to prison. whatever happened to those animals? as you know, he went to jail but some of these dogs are getting a second chance. you'll meet one in just a moment who's gone through a remarkable transformation. this dog was so abused and so beat up and so mean and was believed to be unretrainable and you'll see him this hour and you are going to say, i never would have guessed. >> that's wonderful. also ahead this morning, a new study says more and more teenagers are turning to surgery to treat obesity. our dr. jennifer ashton will be back with us this morning to bring us the pros and cons. >> but first erica hill at the news desk at the news desk. >> good morning. firefighters in utah trying to prevent a wildfire from destroying any more homes. more than 1400 homes have now been vacant waited, all happening southwest of salt lake
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city. the blaze there has burned 300 acres. at least two homes already destroyed. 100 more are threatened at this hour. the wildfire began yesterday at a firing range during a national guard training session. bermuda is reeling this morning from hurricane igor. the category 1 storm battering the islands overnight with heavy rains and maximum sustained winds of 75 miles an hour. this is actually a live picture from bermuda. you can make out some of the rains there. nearly 20,000 customers lost power, igor headed northeast expected to whip up dangerous swells and rip tides along the east coast. a typhoon making landfall in eastern china, the storm tore across taiwan flooding parts of the island with more than three feet of water. in croatia, a close call on a flooded river over the weekend. you see the helicopter there bringing a rescuer to save a man from his boat. he didn't want to leave the boat. the chopper, however, stirred up the river water. the boat, as you see, started to
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sink. both were pulled to safety at the last moment. talk about scary. north of los angeles members of a religious sect feared dead found alive. the five adults and eight children were reported missing saturday. relatives found notes indicating a journey to a next life or perhaps visiting dead relatives. last night the group was discovered praying in a park near palmdale. >> we are okay. don't you see me? i'm okay. my son. the dogs, everybody's okay. >> you left your cell phones because? >> i don't want to interrupt me when i'm doing my stuff. >> police say the leader of the group was sent for psychological evaluation. starting this morning, tardiness will cost salt lake city students. the price for being late to class, five dollars at east high school or they could choose, instead, a 30-minute detention after school. the latest victim of bedbugs. over the weekend nike closing its popular store in new york city because of an invenation of
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the pests. the company says all proper steps are being taken to get rid of the bedbugs and hopes to reopen soon. here's katy courage with a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. >> good morning. steve heart man's mission to prove everybody in the world has a story lands him in argentina. he'll introduce you to boy who ran away from home just to stay in school. all that and more only on the cbs evening news. back to
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>> we have a mild start to the week, temperatures in the 60s for the most of us, we'll warm up to 65 now in baltimore and we'll go to 80 degrees this afternoon and 179 the high. and -- 79 is the high and
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tonight, down to 50 and we'll recover to 77 tomorrow. and 86 thursday and 88 friday. and then, a cold front coming through friday night and saturdayay >> this weather report sponsored by priority mail, flat-rate boxes, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. >> all right. you have to live under a rock not to know "hawaii five-o" is premiering on cbs. cabs all over the country, if we have that shot, we'll take it now, surf boards on top of yellow cabs right here in new york city. we are bringing a bit of the beach to plaza this morning with "hawaii five-o" trivia and giving away this super-cool "hawaii five-o" limited edition surf board. young lady, why don't you hold this for a second there, we go, like "the price is right" but not. here we go, ma'am, do you know a lot about "hawaii five-o" that's
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good. maybe you can phone a friend. here were go, what famous line did detective steve mcgarrett. i was joking about phone-a-friend. what famous line did he say at the end of almost each episode when they made an arrest? >> book 'em, dano. >> ma'am, you are bringing home a surf board to little rock, arkansas, the home of great surfing. oh, my god. gidyet, it is so nice to meet you. you guys are really decked out do. you want to try a bonus? >> sure. >> all right. what is the profession of the main characters in "hawaii-fiveo". >> police. >> you must have watched each and every episode. the show took place on oahu where we'll bring you in a while. congratulations, nice to see you. we'll see you watching tonight. >> dave, thank you so much. up next a new study this morning on why and why more overweight
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teenagers are choosing weight loss surgery. is it safe? we'll tell you when we come back here on "the early show" on cbs. man, it would be a lot easier if we didn't have to weigh 'em all. if those boxes are under 70 lbs. you don't have to weigh 'em. with these priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. no weigh? nope. no way. yeah. no weigh? sure. no way! uh-uh. no way. yes way, no weigh. priority mail flat rate box shipping starts at $4.95, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. swipe your card please. excuse me...? this belongs to you... you. excuse me... this is yours... thank you! you're welcome. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back in your pocket. fun money from freedom. this is yours! thank you! what? that's 5% cash back in quarterly bonus categories all year long. does your card do this? sign up for this quarter's bonus today.
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and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. welcome back to "the early show" this monday. many obese adults have had surgery for years but a new study says it is also becoming popular with overweight teenagers but is that a good idea. here with details our own dr. jennifer ashton. good morning. >> good morning. >> a study came out in a reputable pediatrics journal. what did it find? >> they were really looking at trends, maggie, who exactly was having obesity surgery in an adolescent population and looked at the state of california and two-year period from 2005 to 2007, found there were 590 teenagers who underwent obesity surgery and this is in the age 13 to 20-year-old age group. >> and in those 5790 adolescent surgeries, did they break them down further?
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>> what was interesting, they found ethnic differences. they found gender differences. for example in this population, they found 28% of those who had surgery were white teenagers. however, 65% of them underwent surgery. this is a little bit counterintuitive because 28% represented the overweight teenagers, but 65% of them actually had surgery. so, in among white teenagers, more are having obesity surgery than are obese. >> exactly. i understand that. either way, when i heard about this, it's very alarming because it is such a drastic thing for a young person to do. >> it is. we know in the adult population, maggie, obesity surgery is the gold standard for pearlnant weight loss with more and more teens and children being obese and overweight, we are starting to see the treatment for that kind of go over to that age group. now, again, when you talk about something drastic, you have to weigh risks versus benefits. the benefits of this in the teen-aged population is that we
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will hopefully be able to prevent the diabetes, the high blood pressure, the high cholesterol that we're starting to see in teenagers who are already obese. why weight until they are 20 or 30 to start treating that when some people say you should start treating it when they have the disorder. however, you always have to talk about risks. you and i talk about that all the time. >> are there greater risks for surgery as a teenager versus an adult. >> no, this study did not find any higher complication rate amongst teenagers or children. they still saw the same complications they see in adults, which could include anything from bleeding to infection. depending on whether or not they had the lap band or gas tick bypass, those sites can leak and cause infection. they have the same immediate post-operative complications, lung problems. they could see kidney failure in the hospital, all of these were not seen in a higher rate in the children or teenagers than we see in adults. but again, we're seeing more and more of this. we also should note, maggie, the lap band, which is very popular
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is not fda approved yet for use in children. the company that makes the lap band is starting to apply for that. >> it hasn't been around that long so i guess they don't know how it will affect them. >> no, about a decade. we'll look at long-term how do these people do 10, 20, 30 years after the procedure. that's going to be very important. >> all right dr. jennifer ashton, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> up next this morning, guns and gorgeous scenery, the legendary series "hawaii five-oh" debuts on cbs tonight. dave has a look. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. introducing quattron quadpixel technology, it adds a fourth color, yellow, to the standard rgb color system, creating a vast array of colors you can't see with your tv's 3 color technology. but, you can see this... wow!
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the original series aired more than 12 years and changed the way crime dramas were done on television. a new version of the show is set to debut tonight and our dave price got the difficult
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assignments of going to hawaii. >> i can't do this anymore. >> interviewing that ugly cast. i mean there, is not a good looking person on that show. >> i can't do this anymore. i'm not even familiar with whatever this "hawaii five-o" show s. you're right. we did go to hawaii. we have a remarkable program, so fun. based on the original series, which was mega popular, filmed in the same location but it is totally different for 2010. the island also of hawaii are a paradise of sunshine, luaus sand and surf, a classic vacation spot, also the backdrop for the cbs crime drama "hawaii five-o." the series aired from 1968 all the way to 1980. >> we can expect more of the same. >> 30 years later it is back. some of hollywood's hottest actors are breathing new life to the series. he stars at lead detective steve mcgarrett, made famous by the
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legendary jack lord. >> jack lord was such an overpowering character. do you feel a little bit of that presence, eve pressure, when you think of the second coming of "hawaii five-o"? >> well, there's statues of the guyss on the island. if i look at them long enough, i do. i can't, really. i mean, it's a new show. it's a reboot of an old show but a new show. >> known as a criminal in the "oceans" films, i take as turn on the right side of the law as detective danny williams. >> what do you want me to do with this one? >> book 'em danno. >> i read it and immediately had a sense for it and that's what made me want to do it. i just sort of fell in and figured out who i was, you know, and it just kind of happened. >> the most dramatic casting change in the new "hawaii five-o" belongs to kono, actress grace park completely re-created
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this goal. >> just finishing the academy. >> but in the first episode, i think you establish that you will not be messed with. >> she's scrappy, strong, she's growing up. she might make mistakes or two but pulls herself out. >> relying heavily on her cousin chin ho, played bier daniel day kim. no stranger to the islands, he moved here in 2003 for the series "lost" and understands how important this show is for the hawaiian people. >> well, "hawaii five-o" i think is pretty big stuff here an iconic show and i feel we're carrying an torch. >> since the start of the series, there's always been that mistakable theme and it wouldn't be "five-o" without it. >> it begins and ends with the theme, as far as i'm concerned. once i hear humming, singing or whistling that song it's in my head for hours. one of those oh, you did it.
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(humming). >> the cast and crew work long days shooting on location around oahu but realize the chance to work in paradise is an amazing perk. how do you do it? how do you work in these conditions. >> oh, don't set me up like that. >> i mean, really. >> the thing is, hmm, we're at the beach today, we're on waikiki beach, a beautiful sunny day. it's a great place. >> on the beach. >> you are looking for another member on the force? >> ha-ha. i think -- your resume down there. you've got the aloha shirt. >> i'm dressed the part. viewers will determine if "five-o 2.0" is a hit but alex believe they have all it takes. >> -- >> here's the deal. there is plenty of old "hawaii five-o" for those who really
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loved that show. >> right. >> and plenty of explosions and drama and action and sexiness for those who have never seen that show before. >> harry, remember when you were watching the pilot, you said it looked like a major motion picture. i mean, they spent money on this show. >> it is a really good looking show. >> and i'm so glad they kept it in hawaii. you couldn't do this show justice otherwise. that's what made the first show what it was. >> how excited are the people of waikiki and, well, the whole island. >> well, remember what this means, you know, first of all it's island and state pride. they declared -- the governor declared the month "hawaii five-o" months. they had the premiere on waikiki beach, over 10,000 people came. economically what it means is incredible. this is one large post card for the state of hawaii every week and it is so beautiful even if you don't like crime dramas, you will want to turn in to see the scenery. >> escape for a minute like a vacation. economically it is so important because th-- when it goes away,
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seeing it in new york city with "law & order" so important to replace that on the island to replas the dollars. >> daniel day kim in his own career decisions specifically went to this show because it would be great and number two wanted to stay in hawaii with his wife and kids. he actually opened a restaurant there, a burger restaurant in waikiki. he wants to call hawaii home. >> maybe we'll send the kids to president obama's high school. >> ahh, who knows. >> -- just seeing the pictures really makes you go back. >> you can go back, every monday. >> exactly. >> "the early show" needs a field trip there. >> i think we do. >> don't forget "hawaii five-o" debuts tonight at 10:00 right here on cbs, exactly 42 years to the day that the original pilot aired. >> like we planned it. >> i know. >> still ahead, they were rescued from a dog-fighting ring rung by michael vick and marked
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for death but wait until you see what's become of the pit bulls who got a second chance. tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea.
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[ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- [ beep ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- target the blood? target the blood? yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] great. call or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. [ man ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today.
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the ravens will play the browns next sunday and do better, we hope. well, the temperatures are in the 60s for most of us. 65 in baltimore and 68 in d.c. and 59 is what we dropped to in westminster. and as we head into the day. getting close to 80 degrees and breeze out of the north. we're going down to 50 degrees and some areas will be in the 40s. there's a big warmup starting wednesday. now, let's go to sharon. two accidents on the
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roadways. the latest on 95. watch for that one on 95 approaching the beltway. second crash still working on the westside approaching 70, that's on the shoulder and we have the wreck in harford in wrights burg. that's closed between 165 and dolly road. and 95 southbound is jammed from whitemarsh to 895. and here's a look at the drive times and the speeds. down to 18 miles per hour on the topside between 95 and 83. here's the live look outside. there's the live look at 95. and the delays are in the southbound lanes. there's the look at, well, there's a look at 70 just approaching the beltway and the sun glare could be a factor as well. this is brought to you by mazda.
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zoom zoom today. and chesapeake high school and middle and folger elementary school are closed today because of a pipe rupture. classes will resume tomorrow a harford county teen is struck and killed at the start of the weekend and loved ones and friends are preparing for his funeral. don, the 14-year-old will be laid to rest later on this week. on saturday, a memorial was held in memory of joey d'entremont. he died friday night crossing the bel air bypass. his friends tried to cope with his death. he was line backer on the jv football team. the 19-year-old had the right of way when he struck him. it doesn't appear speed or alcohol were factors in the crash. thank you, andrea. stay with wjz-13, up next, cats
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aren't the only ones that get one life, we'll talk about a dog seized from a dog fighgh,,,,
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man: we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on! woman: ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! how about a nice home for our tv? how about doors to hide that drive-in theater? how about a cowhide rug? yee-haw! and the snacks? get their own place. let the marathon begin!
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people psyched up about the return of "hawaii five-o" tonight on cbs. welcome back to "the early show," everybody. coming up we started to tell this story before about nfl star michael vik, back playing football in the nfl now. made headlines, of course, for all the wrong reasons convicted of running a dog-fighting ring. now we have a different comeback story about the pit bulls found on his property. you'll meet some of those dogs, a lot of people said those dogs were not rehabilitatable ishlsts look at his scars. >> absolutely not. this is one of the dogs, as sweet as pie, now a therapy dog. >> i love this. >> can you imagine. >> the face, his eyes. >> also this half hour does your child have a phobia about going to school? and you think he or she may just
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be playing at being sick, not really sick. >> sure. >> well, actually, there is a disorder called school refusal and we'll help parents recognize it and deal with it. >> it's got a scientific nameing like didtisacnephobia but say you should treat it. >> not like ferris buehller with the thermometer. >> no the, the real sgloong also ahead you probably know you shouldn't buy a used mattress or bathing suit for obvious reasons even though you can find them online for sale but what items like this? we're going to show you where you can save some money and when you should go for the brand new merchandise. >> first, we want to get you to dave price with a final check of the weather this monday morning. mr. price? >> i wish to be honest with you, i wish i had known about the used bathing suit thing before. >> before your honeymoon?
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[ laughter ] >> yeah. that was a good one. that was a good line. all right let's go to the maps.
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>> sign of the times, everyone, the economy is hitting everyone. they didn't even have enough cash to complete the sign. thank you. we appreciate the sentiment anyway.
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nice to see you guys on the plaza. that's a quick look at your weather picture. harry? >> thanks very much. michael vick made quite the comeback sunday in first appearance as starting quarterback for the philadelphia eagles leading the team to victory and scoring two touchdown passes. he, of course, was jailed for running a dog-fighting ring. you are about to hear about another amazing comeback, of the animals rescued from his property. our correspondents dr. debbie turner bell, our residents veterinarian has the story. good morning. >> good morning. when dogs are confiscated, the standard operating procedure has been to put them down, they were too scarred or aggressive to be trusted. but the pit bulls rescued from his farm were given a second chance, with incredible results. it was a crime that shocked the nation. in april 2007, investigators uncovered an illegal dog-fighting operation on the virginia farm of nfl superstar quarterback michael vick.
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>> and i have to pate consequences for it. >> reporter: he pleaded guilty to animal cruelty and served 19 months in a federal prison and became a lightning rod for critics. but few paid attention to the 51 pit bulls taken from vick's farm. their fate seemed sealed. >> we had been told these were the most dangerous aggressive dogs in america. >> but donna reynolds, who specializes in rescuing and rehabilitating pit bulls was on a panel of animal experts that found that the dogs were not aggressive towards people. the panel believed these dogs should get a chance to live. >> once we met the dogs, we knew that we had a lot of work to do because so many were shut down around people, scared to death. >> reporter: this is uba. in 2007, headlines branded him menacing. and this is uba today. >> he can wave. wave. there you go! >> reporter: meet frodo. >> your buddies. >> reporter: and johnny. >> what's this? >> when the 51 dogs were first
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evaluated, hopes for rehabilitation were guarded, at best. >> the experts going in, like i said, went in hoping to get maybe 10% or, you know, four or five dogs. >> reporter: of the 51 dogs recovered, amazingly, 47 were given reprieves says journalist jim grant, whose new book "the lost dogs" tells their story. >> they were facing down, you know, death at several turns and somehow against very long odds overcame it every time. it's a long shot for them to be there. >> are you surprised these dogs have done so well. >> i'm surprised that so many of them have done so well. it's a great story of redemption, without a doubt. >> reporter: donna's organization bad rap received ten of the michael vik dogs. but for many of them, everyday life remains a struggle. frodo still fights his fears. >> makes a large growling noise. you know, that's scary for a dog like him. >> reporter: but each day brings progress. >> i've never seen a dog like this in my life try so hard to
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be brave. >> reporter: uba only recently has overcome his fears. letting me touch his ears, his head, his muzzle two years ago, he wouldn't let people even get close. >> he is a normal dog and has been a normal dog. he just had an abnormal beginning to his life. >> then there's johnny, the dog formerly known as johnny rotten, now he's johnny justice and he's as sweet as they come. >> when johnny is in the presence of kids, it's like a little switch turns on. >> reporter: so, how far has johnny come? this far. >> the little dog popped out into the night. >> reporter: after rigorous training, johnny earned the right to become a therapy dog, helping kids cope with shyness, a companion they can read to and get close to. no one here even knew johnny's background as a michael vick pit bull. and that's the point. what does he teach us? >> forgiveness. it's absolutely heart-warming to
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see that good won over ignorance. >> reporter: isn't it though? of the 47 rescued from the bad news kennels, 21 ended up at the best friends animal sanctuary, the largest no-kill sanctuary in the country and most will spend their lives there. the rest either found foster homes or forever home and they are wonderful pets, harry. >> wow. wow. no one would have predicted this when this whole thing happened. >> never, not in a million years. >> one of the dogs is a dog named hector, who is along with us and as is his owner, andrew yorry. good morning. >> good morning. >> what a good looking dog. >> look at him, how waum and wonderful he is. >> do us a favor lift the dog's head a bit so you can see what old hector went tluf. >> right here on his chest and down his legs, you see the scars from the fighting. he was either abate dog or actual fighting dog. but andrew has a wonderful thing
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to say about these scars. >> what is it like to have this dog? >> um, it's actually just like having any other dog, you know, he's my duddy. he's my pet, and we enjoy spending the day together and just experiencing new things. and like she said, you know, these scars are all external. he doesn't have any internal scars. >> isn't that something? and, as one of the dogs in the piece, this dog is a therapy dog. you and i both know the thresholds these dogs have to be able to go over. >> yes. >> in order to be registered as therapy dogs. it's unimaginable to me how afraid, how scarred this dog must have been when he was in that fighting ring. >> the real truth, two things, first of all therapy dogs have to meet a very high standard. that says a lot about these dogs as individuals and about the breed, not all pit bulls are menacing monsters. the second thing, though, many of these dogs rescued from bad news weren't aggressive or would not have been saved.
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they dealt with issues of fear and lack of socialization. that's where the big burden was, to get them socialized, help them deal with their fears and some of them are still dealing with those fears. >> at the end of the day, you see the patch right there, ask to pet me. doesn't matter what kind of dog it is. >> that's right. >> make sure you ask the owner. >> you want to ask permission, don't look them in the eye. >> andrew, thank you very much. hect hector, good job, buddy. good job. thank you very, very much. >> my pleasure. >> an excerpt of "the lost dogs" go to our website. julie? >> thanks, harry. we have probably all seen it or even done it, playing sick to stay home from school. but what if school is actually making your kids sick? "early show contributoror a child and a adolescent psychologist here to tell us about the anxiety disorder known as school refusal. good morning. >> good morning. >> what is it exactly. >> the experience your kids have they just can't get to school.
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they may seem physically ill but just panic at the thought of leaving home to get to school. they just are so anxious, they can't make it happen. >> are this symptoms? >> there are definitely symptoms. it starts out with a lot of the physical symptoms you would think in adult anxiety, might complain of headaches, stomachaches, might really get a little faint at different times. they might get really nauseous or be exhausted often because they are not sleeping well at night so, tired they can't get to school in the morning. >> what causes this? >> there is a lot of things we have to consider. some of it is basic performance anxiety. kids want to do well in school, they want to impress their teacher, impress their parents. they may really be afraid they are not going to suck see, maybe were out for a few days and can't catch up. they are afraid they aren't going to be able to do it. that's one thing. we also want to think about separation anxiety a. kindergartner may have a hard time leaving mom and dad and be afraid of what's going to happen when not there. some of that impacts their ability to go to school.
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we also think about bullying, which will prevent kids from going, if they are atrade they will be picked on, beat up, have a fight, why do you want to be in school that day? i'm staying away. lastly any family tropical storm marks divorce, a move, death of a pet, anything that's major might really impact their ability to leave the home successfully and go to school. >> how do you figure out, as a parent, if your child really has this or if the child is just going through what every kid goes through? >> it is so hard because so often kids get sick and we have to be able to determine what's what. say they are starting to panic and really can't do it and you say, okay, you can stay home today, there's going to be an immediate sense of relief in that moment. oftentimes if you can get them to school they will calm down, also, almost anticipatory they have the conflict. or relief, wait a second, there is something else we have to investigate. >> say you know 100% your child has this. >> right. >> how do you deal with it, is there treatment, how do you cope as a family? >> absolutely there's things to do. the first thing you want to do is get down to the root of the
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matter and ask a lot of questions. what's happening at school? how come things aren't so easy at school? open-ended questions to pull information, not yes or no when pigeon hole them. talk to the school and find out if anything is happening at school and tell them they are having a hard time getting there and what can they do to work with you to get them to school. you what unto think about how to gradually reintroduce them. maybe they can't get there the whole day but can be there at 10:00. the next day maybe they oop they get in at 9:00 and slowly gradually build it up. lastly, teach them how to do relaxation techniques when they get anxious, we have learned breathing techniques can really slow us down, refocus us, we can change how we think. you want to find some books or professionals that can help you deal with that with your kids. >> how common is this disorder? >> it's very common. you know, they say anywhere between two to five percent of kids suffer from this kind of disorder, anxiety disorders the
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largest mental health disorder across ages but two to five% of kids actually suffer from this. >> last question, does it typically hit like junior high school kids or grammar school kids? >> generally starts in middle school then again at middle school but also does happen in high school. if it starts to happen later, there might be other things happening, depression, other anxiety problems so you might want to investigate that more. >> dr. jennifer hartstein, thank you. >> thank you. >> from cars to computers, so much more you often had a choice to buy it new or used. our business and economics correspondents rebecca jarvis is here this morning to tell us which pre-owned items you should purchase and which ones are best right out of the box. good morning, rebecca. >> good morning, maggie. >> start with the used things, no-brainers to buy used, books and cds and movies. >> so much turnover of these in the home, you read a book and put it on the shelf and never think of it again. a lot of people are making a business out of that selling them used. you can get on all of these things about a 75% discount just
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by buying them used. >> you know, even if you buy a cd and it has a scratch i know a trick you can use toothpaste. >> a good point. when you buy things used sometimes they come out and are not perfect but ways to fix it like you said with the cd and the dvd works same way. >> i love going to a flea market or estate sale. >> part of the fun finding something used especially when it comes to home accents, a lot of time it will be a much lower price and also you have the fun of the hunt. on top of that these types of items, they sit in the home and don't get a lot of wear and tear oftentimes, so you are really finding something basically, for all practical purposes is new but getting at a used price. >> you can see right when you buy it what you are getting. >> that's right. you can make the negotiation, too, if you are at the flea market or what have you can negotiate the price down a bit. >> also part of the fun. >> exactly. >> sporting goods, a lot of people want their sporting goods not just these items but others to be working perfectly.
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why should you buy them used. >> it is important to make sure the item itself is working perfectly but the used prices are such significant discounts. you see smaller ticket items from balls to bats to tennis racquets but in bigger-ticket purchases like the home equipment from a treadmill to the skis to the golf equipment, oftentimes, you can find practically brand new stuff that just sat in someone's closet a long time. you go out and make the purchase and think you will use the golf set, you don't use it. as a purchaser, you can make use of that. my sister did this, she went on craigslist and got golf clubs originally $700 got them for $100 on craigslist. >> huge. >> at lof the equipment stores in the field will sell this at a big discount. >> i assume a few months after january, a new year's resolution to use a treadmill wears off. >> the perfect time of year to get it. >> other things that might surprise people. >> it is really interesting. if you take a look, jewelry, for example, will oftentimes be much less expensive when you buy it
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used and still a good purchase. diamonds, if you are buying an engagement ring, for example, one of the biggest purchases people make in a lifetime, a great way to buy used. also time shares. people will go out and say i want to buy a timeshare. 67% is the discount you can get by just buying that timeshare used and can rent it and office furniture great to be used it is very durable, meant to last and a lot of offices when they vacate the premises sell that furniture. >> makes sense. things are absolutely should buy new bike helmet, when it comes to safety -- >> you can't compromise. and what they will tell you, according to the experts, one time of use where a bike helmet hits the ground in an accident, that's done. that means it won't work again. >> and you won't see a crack. >> exactly. it will crack inside, what it is meant to do to break the fall. it is very important, buy them new, it is worth the money. >> the same for car seats. i can tell you car seats are
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ridiculously expensive but you can get a good one for like fifty bucks, a good price range now. >> you want to make sure you get it new because used, you don't know if it's been in an accident or had an issue. the one thing i will say a family member or relative or something like that and know the history, that's one thing. >> item make sure it is not on a recall list, what you have to do. lastly, why buy a vacuum cleaner new? >> they are so expensive but almost more expensive to use them and the more you use them it spews the dust out. the idea is to suck it in and clean it up. what's the points of a vacuum unless it does its job. >> give me other big-ticket things to buy new. >> first off, cribs because you don't know who assembled it and the same issue with recalling. digital and video cameras oftentimes are drop when people own them. have the brand new version and plasma and lcds, sometimes replacing them ends up costing
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you more. >> and you don't get the warranty when you buy something used. >> that's right. >> thank you. in case you missed any of that. don't worry we'll have it on our website. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ,,,,,,
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although we did it earlier we officially say welcome back maggie and also welcome michael tobin rodriguez. >> looks like he's 9! >> welcome to "the early show" family. >> he waves like a 5-year-old. >> mike was born june 13 n, just two days after maggie left for maternity leave. you like to cut it close. >> erica and i did the same thing. >> he's doing so well. he weighs 14 pounds already, three months old. good appetite. >> a big boy. >> big, delicious -- >> what preschool do you have him in.
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>> are you kidding? the preschools are coming to hill. >> look at this boy. >> gosh it makes me miss him. >> looks yummy. >> he is super yummy. >> what a puddem, as we say. those cheeks are like inflatable. >> you should see the thighs they've got little rolls, very sweet. >> how hard this morning when you woke up at the crack of dawn. >> that part was easy. >> i know you tip toed in. >> i went to his crib and i got a little choked up when i left, i have to say. at the same time, it's good to have adult conversations again, more than -- [ laughter ] >> that's a stretch but we take it as a compliment. >> dave spit up during the last break. >> exactly. >> have a great day, everybody. your local news is next. >> thank you, guys. ,,,,,,,,
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that's 1.888.884.3467. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. [ mr. donovan ] fios is made for families like ours. hello, i like how the workweek is starting out. we'll also change seasons. >> here's bernadette woods in for marty bass. the dwindling days of summer. wednesday, it's going to feel like summer. >> we're in the 60s for most of us, we've dropped to at and westminster down to 60 and 60 in bel air. we'll be getting closer to 80 degrees and tonight, going into the 50s and it's a cool one. a lot of areas in the 40s. take a look at the next five days. wednesday, up to 80 degrees and 86 thursday and 88 friday. don?
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>> this morning, high school students in harford county are in shock after the sudden death of a classmate over the weekend. don, the 14-year-old will be laid to rest later on. saturday, there was a memorial service for the freshman. he died friday night. and his friends comforting each other as they tried to cope with his death. he was a line backer and he played piano and wrote music. a 19-year-old had the right of way when he struck the joey d'entremont. and the doctor shot and wounded inside johns hopkins last week continues to recover this morning. dr. david cohen is in fair and stable condition. he was shot by the sun of an elderly patient last week.
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he killed his mother and himself. and a shooting in west baltimore leaves a man dead. it happened sunday morning and the police say an unidentified man was shot in the head there. he was rushed to the hospital where he later on died. the police in frederick county are identified the man shot to death sunday morning. investigators say that a 28- year-old was shot after he fired a rifle after the police responded a a domestic service call. starting this week, a new card is changing the way that the people in maryland use public transportation. riders will be able to use it to pay for fairs electronically. it's also inner changeable with the cards in washington, d.c. and ravens fans are
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recovering after the game against cincinnati. the defense did what it could. but the passing game wasn't there. ,, hey, let me see that map for a second.
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just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it. hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious


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